I'm sorry I haven't posted in like, a month! I'll just say how busy I've been, and try to make another posting this week. I'm a freshman in HIGH SCHOOL, I've got 8 calsses to pass, 8 teachers to please, I'm running Cross Country, I'm in FCCLA(Future Career Community Leaders of America), TLT(Teen Leader Training), Teen Council, Youth Court, GYC(Governers Youth Council), I'm getting braces, I'm going to be in the upcoming musical, 'Beauty And The Beast', and I have a personal life, as well as a social life to handle. I need to go to bed now. I'm giving a presentation in Biology tomorrow. First period. My partner didn't do a single thing. She just sat there, and looked at her nails while I did all the research. arrrghh. She better not make me get a failing grade. I went to the football game on Friday night, and it was super fun, but it was raining, the wind was blowing, and even wearing 5 layers, I almost froze. I got to come home, and drink hot chocolate though. Yum! 3 people on the opposite team got hurt. One of them got a head concuction, and a ambulance had to come. We got so cold during that 20 minutes. We had 8 people squished under 1 umbrella. My toes went numb. It was fun to watch the little freshmen buys acting as water boys. They looked so small compared to the juniors, and seniors, who were also wearing their pads. We won 35/0 may I add.
Don't blame Gravity for Falling in Love.
-Albert Einstein
Don't blame Gravity for Falling in Love.
-Albert Einstein
glad u finally bloged lol
so r u ready for it to snow i am whoo bring on the cold
Tell me what Teen Leader Training is and also Youth Court. I thought youth court was a one time thing. How often do you meet and what do you discuss? I didn't know you started cross country too! That is great.
To tell you the truth, I'm not sure what TLT is. I'll find out in 2 weeks. On the 4 day weekend, we're going to Logan for a conference thingy there. We do Youth Courttwice a month. On the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays. On the first week, we send out letters to ask the "law breakers" to please come in 2 weeks, and the next time, we judge them. Our daddy made us a scedule to run this summer. Wow! If I remember, I'll post it next time.
Keep up the good work.
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