I am a " winter person"
I own over 10 pairs of shoes
My favorite color is something dark
My favorite show is on MTV
I am currently in high school
I have my drivers license
I have at least one ' x ' in my screen name
I have to straighten my hair every day
I need to go shopping
I own over 20 disney movies
I spend over an hour in the morning getting ready
I've seen a live play before
I've been to a concert
I've read all the Harry Potter books
I've seen all Lord of the Rings movies
I like watching non-fiction movies
I think golf is the wussiest sport
I like getting comments on my xanga
I haven't missed an episode of The O.C.
I have at least 3 siblings, not including myself
I have a job
I have owned over 50 Beanie Babies
I was more of a Barbie child
I was born in the month of September, or later
I've lived in over 5 houses during my life
I was born somewhere outside of the United States
I sleep with a stuffed animal
I own a cell phone
I have my own computer
I collect something rather out of the ordinary
I love someone outside my family - MAIKA!
I own tickets to some kind of seasonal event (sports, etc.)
Surveys really do cure my boredom
I hate when people misspell things
I'm a health freak
I love taking pictures
I love reading
I love eating
I have more than 5 posters on my walls
I like playing board games
I play basketball or softball or baseball
I play hockey or football
I play no sports
Math is my worst subject
I have been baptized
I like water more than pop
I'm obsessed with my mirror
I hate feet
I love Laguna Beach
I'd rather watch the Real World or Road Rules
I browse Xanga when I'm bored
I love Oreos
I am a dork
I have 3 pets
I overuse the word like
I miss the backstreetboys
I wish I was still 4
I have a boyfriend
I am single
I never made out with someone
I never broke anything on my body
I don't take crap from people
I like to take pictures
I have wings
I have been to a concert
I have a name with 11 letters in it
I have a nickname that begins with the letter K
I watch Mad Tv
I have no bedtime
I have 7 phones
I have 3 computers
I like to wear spikes
I like to sing
My favorite color is yellow
I am origional
I like to chew ABC gum
I can dance as good as spiderman can fly
I spell you "yoOh"
I am polish
I consider myself good looking
I read at least 20 books a year
I like to blare music
I have more than 2 cell phones
I have never flunked a grade before
I like the smell of permanent marker
I am scared of the dark
I have had 10 or more detentions
I have a crush on the Math teacher
My I.Q. is 120 or higher
I don't label people
I go to church
I would rather burn than drown
I would rather drown than burn
I read the book Computers for Dummies
I don't like country music
I cried to the "Concrete Angel" music video
I wear orange eyeshadow
I have blue lipstick
I have more than 20 purses
I like the snow
I walk in the rain
I could never hurt anyone
I have 7 screen names