Wednesday, December 06, 2006

An announcement I need to make

Nothing out of the ordinary happened today except I deepcleaned all the toys out of my room. There's someting I need to say that I'm very mad about. You might be ooh-ahing over some pictures Lexi posted on her blog yesterday. I took those pictures when I played outside with Mia and Noah the day before while Lexi was working on her xanga site. I meant to post them on my blog, but before I could get around to it, Lexi took them from me without asking, and posted them, and won't even say sorry, or why she took them without asking. Very, very rude.

1 comment:

My name is Lexi said...

you didn't say i couldn't use them
so haha
you can bad-mouth me all you want, but it is partly your fault and nobody wants to hear you complaining all the there

don't say you hate my blog just because you're jealous =[
be nice!!!
your loving sister